Flipt Cloud + OpenFeature + Go: internal error: proto: (line 1:205): unknown field "error"

I’ve tried setting up Flipt Cloud + OpenFeature via go.

On my first flag evaluation, I get:

openfeature: GENERAL: internal error: proto: (line 1:205): unknown field “error”

I configured the client like so:

	fliptProvider := flipt.NewProvider(
	flagClient := openfeature.NewClient("this-is-my-service-name")

And i try to evaluate the flag like this:

color, err := s.flagClient.StringValue(ctx, "prototype-color", "orange", openfeature.NewEvaluationContext(

Any idea what I’ve done wrong? It looks like there’s some error that the SDk isn’t handling or propogating?

Hey @murph !

Thanks for detailed info and for trying out Flipt Cloud!!

Flipt Cloud currently works with our client-side evaluation SDKs only out of the box.

The OpenFeature provider for Go only works for server-side evaluation, and uses our Go server-side SDK under the hood, so this won’t work with Flipt Cloud.

You could however use Flipt Cloud and Flipt Open Source in combination, which would give you ‘the best of both worlds’. Flipt Cloud can be used for creating/updating/deleting flags/segments/etc in the UI, that gets synced to your Git repository, then Flipt Open Source can be run and pointed at the same Git repository as it’s data source.

Then you could use any of our SDKs including the OpenFeature ones for evaluations against the open source Flipt that runs in your infrastructure.

We have a bit of detail on this pattern in our docs: Architecture - Flipt

Hope this helps!
